Saturday, April 27, 2013

I have had two Pinterest projects in the works.  One is still in the works but I have one that I'm excited to share with you tonight!  And it involves these potatoes: 

I got this 5 lb bag of potatoes at Hy-Vee for 88 cents today!  Score!
For supper tonight I decided to make a Twice Baked Potato Casserole.
To start with I peeled and cut up about half this bag of potatoes.  Then while I took a nursing break Hubby boiled them.  After I got done nursing DS and the potatoes had cooked about 20 mins. I drained & mashed them up and began cooking some bacon (it would have saved time if I had cooked the bacon while the potatoes were cooking but you know, when a baby is hungry they're hungry!). 
To the mashed potatoes I added:
4 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup sour cream
a few chives
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 1/2 strips of bacon
a little salt & pepper
Mix well.
I put this yummy looking mixture in a buttered 2-qt baking dish and put more cheese on top.
Baked at 350 for 30 mins (basically until the cheese is melted and starting to get brown)
Once done I garnished with 2 1/2 strips of bacon.
This recipe was originally pinned from
Here's my plate:
Sloppy joes using my mother-in-law's recipe (super easy: hamburger, can of chicken gumbo (undrained), couple tablespoons of brown sugar and some ketchup)
Twice Baked Potato Casserole
Watermelon (DD's request)
It was really yummy!  Hubby added more butter to his casserole and said it was really good. 
I didn't and wondered if maybe I should have put in more salt but overall it was really good. 
Plus, I surprised hubby with his mom's sloppy joes, which he really likes!!
Have a blessed Saturday evening and a wonderful Sunday tomorrow! 
Hope to be back tomorrow with my other project.  It has to do with peroxide...
(sounds exciting, huh?!  :) )

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